Samuel L. Jackson’s Daughter: Zoe Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson is a name easily recognized in Hollywood. His daughter, Zoe Jackson, is a producer who was responsible for churning out projects like Top Chef and Project Runway. She is the spitting image of her father and although she has not forayed into acting, she is still a very vital part of the entertainment industry.

The Jacksons lived in a house in Beverly Hills, California that was purchased for $8.35 million in 2000. Zoe most likely spent a good deal of her childhood and early adulthood in this house, along with her mother, Latanya. The investment property is over 11,000 square feet and is made up of 3 separate structures—the main house, a pool and guest house, and a dedicated garage. On top of that, there is a tennis court and a view of the hills, something that a child growing up would find very relaxing.
